
When asked what engineers and architects usually do, most people typically say “they prepare drawings and specifications on their computer or a drafting table”.  While that response may be partially correct to describe a specific task, the single most important “thing” we do is solve our clients’ problems.

A recent project assignment required us to provide condition assessments, surveying, environmental assessments, and aviation design for a client’s facilities at a number of remote wilderness locations throughout the northeastern United States.  To perform this work, the NKB team utilized helicopters, UAVs, all-terrain vehicles, extra heavy-duty four wheel drive vehicles, chain saws, GPS tracking, satellite phones, wilderness camping, and emergency response preparedness for all team members; all with making provisions for contingencies and backup plans for any unforeseen conditions.  The field work for this unusual project scope was completed without incident and on schedule.  All of those years in Boys Scouts really did pay off in terms of being prepared.

Doing what we are being asked to do is what we do as engineers and architects.  It is in doing each assignment seamlessly, that our clients can be assured that we have their back; making their life easier.  If providing the services of a wilderness outfitter solves our clients’ problems, that’s what engineers and architects do.

Be Prepared.